Realizability models for Large Cardinals
With G. Geoffroy and R. Matthews. CSL 2024: 28:1-28:18
Oscillations and their Applications in Partition
Calculus (survey)
with B. Velickovic. Proc. of the Young Set
Theory Workshop 2009,
Centre de Recerca Matematica,
eds. Aspero et al., p. 13-38 (2011).
Journal Papers
Realizing the totally unordered structure of ordinals
With R. Matthews. To appear in Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 2025.
Preserving cardinals and weak forms of Zorn's Lemma in
realizability models
With G. Geoffroy, Math. Struct. Comput. Sci. 30(9): 976-996 (2020)
Axioms as definitions: revisiting Poincaré and
Philosophia Scientiae vol. 22/3 pp. 166-183 (2019).
Reflection of stationary sets and the tree property
at the successor of a singular cardinal,
with M. Magidor,
Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 82 (1)
pp. 272-291 (2017)
Square and Delta reflection, with Y. Hayut,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. Vol. 167 (8),
pp. 663 - 683 (2016).
Fragments of strong compactness, families of
partitions and ideal extensions, with P. Matet
Fundamenta Mathematicae, vol. 234, pp. 171- 190 (2016).
The tree property at both ℵω+1
and ℵω+2
with S. D. Friedman,
Fundamenta Mathematicae, vol. 229, pp. 83-100 (2015)
The Strong Tree Property at Successors of Singular Cardinals
Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 79, Issue 1, pp. 193 - 207 (2014). (pdf).
Strong Tree Properties for Small Cardinals
Journal of Symbolic Logic, volume 78, Issue 1, pp. 317-333 (2013). (pdf).
Strong Tree Properties for Two Successive Cardinals
Archive for Mathematical Logic, volume 51,
Issue 5-6, pp 601-620, (2012).
Book chapters
How to choose new axioms for set theory? Invited paper for the book `Reflections on the Foundations
of Mathematics' Editeurs: S. Centrone, D. Kant et
D. Sarikaya. Springer (2019) (pdf).
PhD Thesis
Large Properties at Small Cardinals,
University Paris 7, Paris, France (2012).
Report by J. Cummings
Report by H. Sakai
Bachelor and Master dissertations
L'hypothèse Généralisée du Continu Revisitée
Memoire Master 2, June 2008. (pdf),
L'indépendence de l'Hypothèse du Continu
Memoire Master 1, May 2007. (pdf), (ps).
L'indipendenza dell'assioma di Scelta dalla Teoria degli Insiemi di Zermelo Fraenkel.
Tesi di Laurea Triennale, November 2006. (pdf), (ps).
Media reports
Kurt Gödel : ses théorèmes d'incomplétude ont ébranlé les mathématiques
with J. Cervelle and L. Maignan. Article for
The Conversation France
published on July 2024.