I am interested in theoretical aspects of computer science. In particular, I focus my work in the area of finite model theory and (descriptive) complexity theory.
My contributions involves mostly constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) and its quantified extension (QCSP) and I have been collaborating for some time with Barnaby Martin on this topic.
I also work on MMSNP, a logic introduced by Feder and Vardi in the same paper in which they conjectured that CSP follows a dichotomy. It turns out that MMSNP captures problems with infinite domain, and that not only it has a dichotomy but it satisfies an algebraic condition for tractability from a conjecture extending that of the dichotomy theorem for finite domain CSPs.
My papers are available in pdf and other format from here. The recent ones can be found on Arxiv.
I am currently a member of LACL and a member of the CNRS national research group GdR IM.
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