En général (In general)
I'm interested in high-level parallel programming: languages,
libraries, algorithms, programming tools, formal methods (certification, verification and model-checking) and safety/security.
Research results are presented in my papers and talks. Or in DBLP or
Google Scholar or
ACM or
Projets (Projects)
2018 - 2021 : the ANBLICS project
(Projet FUI) ANalytics on BLind Cloud Security. It is about parallelisation and verification of Fully Homomorphic Encryption primitives.
2007 - 2010 : the SPREADS project (Projet ANR Security, Secure P2P data-storage)
2007 - 2010 : the VEHICULAIRE project (Fondation Digiteo, Région Idf)
2004 - 2007 : the Propac project
(ACI Jeunes Chercheuses et Chercheurs 2004)
2002 - 2004 : the CARAML project
(ACI GRID 2001)
Etudiants (Students)
- Currently nobody.
Anciens doctorants (past doctoral students) :
Master :
Anciens etudiants en Master (past Master students) :
Valentin Samir, "Algorithme BSP multicore pour la construction de l'espace d'état de protocoles de sécurité", avril-septembe 2013
Souad_Kherroubi : "Traduction et extension d'un langage de description des protocoles de sécurité vers une algèbre de réseaux de Petri" (co-director with Pr. Franck Pommereau), rapport de stage (report), avril-septembe 2013
Arthur Hidalgo : "Mechnised Verification of Distributed State-space Algorithms for Security Protocols", rapport de stage (report), avril-septembe 2012
Ilias Garnier : "New implementation of a parallel composition primitive for a functionnal BSP language", rapport de stage (report), transparents (slides), avril-septembre 2008
Jean Fortin : "Formal Operational Semantics of a Core Imperative BSP language", rapport de stage (report), transparents (slides), avril-septembre 2008
Otmane Bouziani : "Implantation d'une bibliothèque de programmation fonctionnelle BSP dans un environnement de méta-computing", rapport de stage (report), transparents (slides), avril-septembre 2006
David Los Santos : "Implantation en BSML d'un algorithme BSP de recherche de motifs", rapport de stage (report), transparents (slides), mai-juin 2005
David Billiet : "BSML: Implémentation modulaire et prévision de performances", (co-director with Pr. Frédéric Loulergue) rapport de stage (report), avril-juillet 2004
Organisation, comité de programme et relecteur (Organization, program committee member and referee)
Relecteur pour : (Referee for:)
- Conferences and Workshops:
- ... (forgotten)
Conference HPCS 2011 and 2012 (High Performance Computing and Simulation)
Conference PDCN 2011 (Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks)
Workshop APDCM (Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models) 2009
Conference ICCS (International Conference on Computational Science) 2007, 2008, 2009 et 2010
Workshop PAPP
(Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel
Programming, part of ICCS) 2004, 2005 et 2006
Symposium TFP 2005 (Trends in Functional Programming)
- Journals:
Membre des comités de programme pour : (PC member for:)
Workshop HLPP 2013 (High-level Parallel Programming and Applications)
Conference ICCS 2011,12,13,14,15,16,17 and 18
HPDFA 2010 workshop (part of the HPCS 2010 conference)
Workshop Next Generation Programming Paradigms and Systems, track of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
Workshops WLPP (Language-Based Parallel Programming Models) 2007, 2009, 2011 et 2013 2015, 2017 (part of conference PPAM)
Workshops on PAPP (Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming) 2007, 2008, 2011 et 2012 (part of the conference ICCS)
- ... (surely other but forgetten)
Organisation : (Organization:)
Workshop HLPGPU (High-level programming for heterogeneous and hierarchical parallel systems)
with Pr. Gaétan Hains and Pr. Kevin Hammond, part of the conference HiPEAC (High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers)
Co-Chair and Co-Organizer with Anne Benoit of the Seventh international workshop on
"Practical Aspects of High-level Parallel Programming" (PAPP 2010)
part of ICCS 2010
Co-Chair and Co-Organizer with Anne Benoit of the Sixth international workshop on
"aPpplications of declArative and object-oriented Parallel Programming" (PAPP 2009)
part of ICCS 2009