I am a habilitated senior lecturer in the computer science departement of
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne.
I am member of the Specification and Verification of Systems team in the Logic, Algorithms, and Complexity Laboratory
I am currently the deputy director of the LACL.
From November 2013 to August 2014 I held a position as a postdoc in the computer science institute of Mons university (UMons) in the theoretical computer science team led by Véronique Bruyère.
From Octobre 2012 to September 2013, I held a position as a postdoc in the team MoVe (LIF) within the project ECSPER at Aix Marseille University.
For my PhD thesis I worked, under the supervsion of Anca Muscholl and Hugo Gimbert, on stochastic games.
I'm interested in algorithmic game theory and its application to verification and synthesis.
Keywords: automata, logic, games, stochastic process, probability theory, verification of real timed systems.
- PC member at IJCAI'25.
- PC member at ATVA'25.
- PC member at AAMAS'25.
- The manuscript of my habilitation is available here.
- I am spending the 2024-2025 academic year at the IRL ReLaX, Research Lab in Computer Science, based at the Chennai Mathematical Institute at Chennai.
- [20] Promptness and Fairness in Muller LTL Formulas co-authored with Damien Busatto-Gaston, Youssouf Oualhadj, Léo Tible, Daniele Varacca. Accepted in FSTTCS'24 1""for
- [19] Deciding the Synthesis Problem for Hybrid Games Through Bisimulation co-authored with Catalin Dima, Mariem Hammami, Régine Laleau. Accepted in ICFEM'24
- [18] Controller Synthesis in Timed Büchi Automata: Robustness and Punctual Guards co-authored with Benoît Barbot, Damien Busatto-Gaston, Catalin Dima.
- [17] Rational Synthesis in the Commons with Careless and Careful Agents co-authored with Rodica Condurache, Catalin Dima, and Nicolas Troquard. Accepted in AAMAS'23.
- [16] Arena-Independent Finite-Memory Determinacy in Stochastic Games, co-authored with Patricia Bouyer, Vandenhove Pierre, and Mickael Randour. Accepted in LMCS;
- [15] Careful Autonomous Agents in Environments With Multiple Common Resources co-authored with Rodica Condurache, Catalin Dima, Madalina Jitaru and Nicolas Troquard. Accepted in AREA@IJCAI-ECAI 2022;
- [14] Arena-Independent Finite-Memory Determinacy in Stochastic Games, co-authored with Patricia Bouyer, Vandenhove Pierre, and Mickael Randour. Accepted in CONCUR'21;
- [13] Rational Synthesis in the Commons with Careless and Careful Agents co-authored with Rodica Condurache, Catalin Dima, and Nicolas Troquard. Accepted in AAMAS'21.
- [12] Life is Random, Time is Not: Markov Decision Processes with Window Objectives, co-écrit avec Thomas Brihaye, Florent Delgrange, et Mickael Randour. Accepted in Logical Methods in Computer Science 16(4) pages 13:1-13:30, 2020.
- [11] Games Where You Can Play Optimally with Arena-Independent Finite Memory, co-authored with Patricia Bouyer, Stéphane Leroux, Vandenhove Pierre, and Mickael Randour. Accepted in CONCUR'20;
- [10] Life is Random, Time is Not: Markov Decision Processes with Window Objectives, co-authored with Thomas Brihaye, Florent Delgrange, and Mickael Randour. Accepted in CONCUR'19 (Best paper award).
- [9] The Complexity of Rational Synthesis for Concurrent Games, co-authored with Rodica Condurache and Nicolas Troquard. Accepted in CONCUR'18.
- [8] Rational verification in Iterated Electric Boolean Games, co-authored with Nicolas Troquard. Accepted in SR'16.
- [7] Deciding the value 1 problem for probabilistic leaktight automata, co-authored with Nathanaël Fijalkow, Hugo Gimbert, and Edon Kelmendi. Accepted in LMCS, Volume 11, Issue 2.
- [6] Probabilistic Robust Timed Games, co-authored with Pierre-Alain Reynier, and Ocan Sankur. Accepted in CONCUR'14.
- [5] Two Recursively Inseparable Problems for Probabilistic Automata, co-authored with Nathanaël Fijalkow, Florian Horn, and Hugo Gimbert. Accepted in MFCS'14.
- [4] Perfect-Information Stochastic Mean-Payoff Parity Games, co-authored with Krishnendu Chatterjee, Laurent Doyen, and Hugo Gimbert. Accepted in FOSSACS'14.
- [3] Deciding the Value 1 Problem for #-acyclic Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes, co-authored with Hugo Gimbert. Accepted in SOFSEM'14.
- [2] A Class of Probabilistic Automata with a Decidable Value 1 Problem, co-authored with , Nathanaël Fijalkow and Hugo Gimbert. Accepted in LICS'12.
- [1] Probabilistic Automata on Finite Words: Decidable and Undecidable Problems, co-authored with Hugo Gimbert. Accepted in ICALP'10.
- [3] acyclic Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes, co-authored with Hugo Gimbert.
- [2] Stochastic Mean-payoff Parity Games, co-authored with Krishnendu, Laurent Doyen, and Hugo Gimbert.
- [1] Computing Optimal Strategies for Markov Decision Processes with Parity and Positive-Average Conditions, co-authored with Hugo Gimbert and Soumya Paul.
Youssouf Oualhadj
Email: youssouf.oualhadj replaceBy@
Office: P2 223
Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 17 14 75
Youssouf Oualhadj
LACL, Département d'Informatique
Faculté des Sciences et Technologie
61 avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil Cedex