−Table of Contents
Academic Informations
- Que mesurent les indicateurs bibliométriques: Quantitative analysis of publications (about H-index and such for the evaluation of research)
- What mathematicians say about bibliometry by Jean-François Méla, former president of university Paris-XIII
Evolutions on Academic Positions in France
- L'autonomie veut dire la mise au pas des universitaires by M. Gauchet.
- The project for the new status of the Maitres de conférences and Professeur
- The project of Décret Modifiant le décret n° 84-431 du 6 juin 1984
- An explanation of the project
- Some comments by Axel Kahn, president of Université Paris 5 on the project
- The Schwartz report on teaching and research in France
- The report of the Academy of Science on the same subject
- Salary scale for professors in french universities
- Purchasing power evolution for public servants 1960-2004, by B. Bouzidi, T. Jaaidane and R. Gary-Bobo1).