You can find the sources and executables of MGS on the Spatial Computing web page available here for Linux, Windows and Mac. A tutorial is available here.

Don't forget to bookmark the manual pages and do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions.

Recent downloads by

Imoview and GBview

Imoview allows you to visualize the graphical output of MGS's programs. It is a scene-based language that interprets commands defining graphical objects and their evolution:

GBview allows you to visualize the graphical output of MGS's programs running on lattices (euclidian or hexagonal):


You can find a distributed version of the Mercure environment for the amalgams formalism, running under Linux and written in OCaml.

8 1/2

To be filled…

Various code

In the past, I have written a lot of code. Among these lines, one can find