International Journals
- The Logic of Language: An alternative logical approach to machine learning based on the case of Natural Language Processing Juan Luis Gastaldi and Luc Pellissier, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
International Conferences with Reading Comitee
Canonical proof-objects for coinductive programming: infinets with infinitely many cuts Abhishek De, Luc Pellissier, and Alexis Saurin, PPDP 2021
Glueability of resource proof-structures: inverting the Taylor expansion
Giulio Guerrieri, Luc Pellissier, and Lorenzo Tortora de Falco, CSL 2020 -
Proof-net as graph, Taylor expansion as pullback
Giulio Guerrieri, Luc Pellissier, and Lorenzo Tortora de Falco, WoLLIC 2019 -
Approximations, Fibrations and Intersection Type Systems Damiano Mazza, Luc Pellissier, and Pierre Vial, POPL 2018
Computing (Connected) Proof-Structures from Their Taylor Expansion Giulio Guerrieri, Luc Pellissier, and Lorenzo Tortora de Falco, FSCD 2016
A Functorial Bridge Between the Infinitary Affine Lambda-Calculus and Linear Logic Damiano Mazza and Luc Pellissier, ICTAC 2015
International Workshops with Reading Comitee
- Inferential Semantics as Argumentative Dialogues Davide Catta, Luc Pellissier and Christian Retoré, DCAI 2020
PRAMs over integers do not compute maxflow efficiently
Luc Pellissier and Thomas Seiller.