
[2022] A.Slissenko. 
Relating Information and Proof.   9 pages.

[2020] A.Slissenko. 
On entropic convergence of algorithms.   In: Blass A., Cégielski P., Dershowitz N., Droste M., Finkbeiner B. (eds)
 Fields of Logic and Computation III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12180 (2020), p.p.291–304. Springer, Cham.

[2017] A.Slissenko. 
Towards analysis of information structure of computations.  20 pages. (A  version based  on [2012].)
IFCoLog Journal of Logic and its Applications, 4(4); 1457–1476, 2017.

[2016] A.Slissenko.  On entropic convergence of algorithms in terms of domain partitions. 19 pages.

 [2014] A.Slissenko.
In quest of information in algorithmic processes. 
  In  Proc. of International Conf. Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics:
 Aspects of Interaction (PhML'2014)  May 21--25, 2014 Saint Petersburg, Russia, pages 70–81.  International Mathematical Euler Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences,  Saint Petersburg, Russia. ISBN 978-5-9651-0829-9. (Plenary talk.)

[2012] A.Slissenko.  Towards analysis of information structure of computations.
 In  Proc. of International Conf. Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics:  Aspects of Interaction (PhML'2012)  May 22--25, 2012, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pages 182--192.  International Mathematical Euler Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,  Saint Petersburg, Russia. ISBN 978-5-9651-0642-4. (Plenary talk.)

[2011] A.Slissenko.  On entropy in computations.
 In  Proc. of the 8th Intern. Conf. on Computer Science and  Information Technology (CSIT'2011), September 26--30, 2011, Yerevan, Armenia.  Organized by National Academy of Science of Armenia, pages 25--30.  National Academy of Science of Armenia, 2011. ISBN 978-5-8080-0797-0. (Plenary talk.)

[2008b] A.Slissenko,  P.Vasilyev.  Simulation of timed abstract state machines with predicate logic  model-checking.
 J. of Universal Computer Science, 14(12):1984--2006, 2008.

[2008a] J.Cohen, A.Slissenko. Implementation of sturdy real-time abstract state machines by  machines with delays.
Technical Report TR-LACL-2008--02, University Paris~12, Laboratory  for Algorithmics, Complexity and Logic (LACL), 2008.  http://www.univ-paris12.fr/lacl/

[2006c] D.Beauquier, A.Rabinovich,  A.Slissenko. A logic of probability with decidable model-checking.
Journal of Logic and Computation, 16(4):461--487, July 2006.

[2006b] D. Beauquier,  A.Slissenko.
Periodicity based decidable classes in a first order timed logic.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 139(1--3):43--73, 2006 ;  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apal.2005.03.003

[2006a] A.Slissenko.  Probability and time in measuring security.
 In F. L.Tiplea, E.,Clarke, M.,Minea, editors, Proceeding of  NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Verification of Infinite-State Systems with Applications to Security (VISSAS 2005), Timisoara, March 17--22, 2005, pages 169--183. IOS Press.  NATO Security through Science Series. D:  Information and  Communication Security -- Vol.1.

[2005b] J. Cohen,  A. Slissenko. 
Implementation of reactive real-time abstract state machines by  machines with delayed actions.  In  Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on Computer Science and  Information Technology (CSIT'2005), September 19--23, 2005, Yerevan, Armenia.  Organized by National Academy of Science of Armenia in cooperation with Test Technology Technical Council of IEEE Computer Society, pages 48--53.  National Academy of Science of Armenia, 2005. (Plenary talk.).

[2005a] A. Slissenko. 
Verification in predicate logic with time: Algorithmic questions.  In Luke Ong, editor,  Proc of the 14th Annual Conference (and 19th International Workshop) on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2005), Oxford, UK, 22-25 August 2005, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci,  vol. 3634, pages 3--17.  Springer-Verlag, 2005.  (Invited talk.).

[2004c] M.Arapinis, A. Slissenko. 
A pattern based language for programming of heuristics of proof  search.
  In D.Petcu, V.Negru, D.Zaharie,  T.Jebelen, editors,  Proceeding of the 6th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC-2004), September 26--30, 2004,  Timisoara, Rumania --- organized by West University of Timisoara, Romania, and Research Institute for Symbolic Computation Johannes Kepler University,  Linz, Austria, September 26--30, 2004}, pages 400--411. Editura MIRTON, 2004.  ISBN~973-661-441-7.

[2004b] A. Slissenko. 
A logic framework for verification of timed algorithms.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 62(1):29--67, 2004.

[2004a] D.Burago, D.Grigoriev,  A.Slissenko.
Approximating shortest path for the skew lines problem in time doubly  logarithmic in 1/epsilon. Theoretical Computer Science, 315(2--3):371--404, 2004.

[2003c] J.Cohen,  A.Slissenko.
On implementations of distributed real-time abstract state machines.
 In Proc. of the 4th Intern. Conf. on Computer Science and  Information Technology (CSIT'2003), September 22--26, 2003, Yerevan, Armenia.  Organized by National Academy of Science of Armenia in cooperation with Test  Technology Technical Council of IEEE Computer Society,   pages 13--18.  National Academy of Science of Armenia, 2003..

[2003/2001] A.Slissenko. 
A logic framework for verification of timed distributed algorithms. Version of April 2001.
 Technical Report TR 2003--04, University Paris~12, Laboratory for  Algorithmics, Complexity and Logic (LACL), 2003.
 Available at http://www.univ-paris12.fr/lacl/.

[2003b] A.Slissenko. 
Complexity problems in the analysis of information systems security.  In V.Gorodetsky, L.Popyack, V.Skormin, editors, Proc. of  the 2nd Intern. Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures  for Computer Networks Security (MMM-ACNS-2003), St.Petersburg, Russia, September 21--23, 2003, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci, vol. 2776, pages 48--57. Springer-Verlag, 2003.  (Invited talk.).

[2003a] T. Essafi,  A.Slissenko.
A heuristic algorithm for proving the security property of some  protocols.
  In   Proc. of the 4th Intern. Conf. on Computer Science and  Information Technology (CSIT'2003), September 22--26, 2003, Yerevan, Armenia. Organized by National Academy of Science of Armenia in cooperation with Test Technology Technical Council of IEEE Computer Society, pages 58--62.  National Academy of Science of Armenia, 2003.

[2002d] D.Beauquier, A.Rabinovich, Y.Hirshfeld, A.Slissenko.
The probability nesting game.
 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 68(2), 2002.

[2002c] D. Beauquier, A. Rabinovich,  A Slissenko. 
A logic of probability with decidable model-checking.  In J.Bradfield, editor,  Proc. of the 16th Int. Worksshop. on  Comput. Sci. Logic (CSL'02) and 11th Annual Conference of the EACSL ,  September 22--25, 2002, Edinburgh, UK. Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci.,  vol. 2471 , pages 306--321. Springer-Verlag, 2002.

[2002b] D.Beauquier,  A.Slissenko. 
Decidable verification for reducible timed automata specified in a  first order logic with time. Theoretical Computer Science, 275(1--2):347--388, March 2002.

[2002a] D. Beauquier,  A. Slissenko.
A first order logic for specification of timed algorithms: Basic properties and a decidable class. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 113(1--3):13--52, 2002.

[2001c] W. Schulte, A. Slissenko.
ASM'2001: Abstract state machine international workshop. Bulletin of EATCS, (74):246--248, 2001.

[2001b] D. Beauquier, T. Crolard, A. Durand,  A. Slissenko.
Impossibility of `essential' real-time garbage collection in the  general case
In  Proc. of the 3nd International Conf. on Computer Science and  Information Technologies (CSIT'2001), September 17--22, 2001, Yerevan, Armenia , pages  113--117. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, 2001. (pdf)

[2001a] J.Cohen,  A.Slissenko.
On refinements of timed abstract state machines.
In R Moreno-Diaz,  A. Quesada-Arencibia, editors,  Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science, EUROCAST'2001, Extended  Abstracts, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, February 19--23, 2001 , pages 247--250. 20001 IUCTC Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2001. ISBN 84-699-3971-8.

[2000e]   D.Beauquier,  T.Crolard, A.Slissenko.
A Predicate Logic Framework for Mechanical Verification of Real-time Gurevich Abstract State Machines: A Case Study with PVS, 36 pages. (TR-00-25.ps). 

[2000d]  A.Slissenko.
ASM2000: Abstract state machine international workshop.  EATCS Bulletin, 2000, No 71, pages 219--220.

[2000c] A.Slissenko.
First St Petersburg Days of Logic and Computability.  Bulletin of EATCS, (72):197--199, 2000.

[2000b] D.Beauquier, A.Slissenko.
Verification of Timed Algorithms: Gurevich Abstract State Machines versus First Order Timed Logic.
In Y. Gurevich, P.Kutter, M.Odersky, L.Thiele, editors,   Proc. of the Intern. Workshop on Abstract State Machines (ASM'2000), March  20--24, 2000, Switzerland, Monte Verita, Ticino, pages 22--39. ETH,  Zürich, 2000. (pdf)

[2000a]  J.Cohen,  A.Slissenko.
On Verification of Refinements of Timed Distributed Algorithms.
  In Y. Gurevich, P. Kutter, M. Odersky,   L. Thiele, editors,    Proc. of the Intern. Workshop on Abstract State Machines (ASM'2000), March 20--24, 2000, Switzerland, Monte Verita, Ticino. Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 1912, pages 34--49. Springer-Verlag, 2000.

[1999d] D.Beauquier, A.Slissenko.
Decidable Classes of the Verification Problem in a Timed Predicate Logic. Proc. of the 12th Intern. Symp. on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT'99), Iasi, Rumania, August 30 -- September 3, 1999, G.Ciobanu and Gh. Paun, Eds., Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci, Springer-Verlag, 1684(1999):100-111.

[1999c]  A.Slissenko.
Minimizing Entropy of Knowledge Representation, Proc. of the 2nd International Conf. on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT'99), August 17--22, 1999, Yerevan, Armenia, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, 1999:2--6.  (pdf)

[1998f] D. Beauquier, D.Burago, M. De Rougement, A. Slissenko.
On the Complexity of  Finite Markov Decision Processes. Manuscript, 1998, 49 pages. (pdf)

[1998e] D. Beauquier, A. Slissenko.
Decidable Verification for Reducible Timed Automata Specified in a First Order Logic with Time, TR-98-16, Department of Informatics, University Paris 12, October 1998, 28 pages. Revised version   appeared in Theor. Comput. Sci. (TR-96-16.ps, TR-96-16.ps.gz.uu).

[1998d] A. Slissenko.
St.Petersburg/Leningrad (1961-1998): From Logic to Complexity and Further, In: "People and Ideas In Theoretical Computer Science", Springer Verlag, pages 274-313, 1998.

[1998c] D. Grigoriev, A. Slissenko.
Polytime Algorithm for the Shortest Path in a Homotopy Class amidst Semi-Algebraic Obstacles in the Plane Proc. of the 1998 Int. Symp. on Symbolic and Algebraic Computations (ISSAC'98), ACM Press, pages 17-24, 1998.

[1998b] D. Grigoriev, A. Slissenko.
Computing Minimum-Link Path in a Homotopy Class amidst Semi-Algebraic Obstacles in the Plane, St. Petersburg Math. J., 10(2):315-332, 1999. Russian original: Algebra and Analysis, 10(2):124-147, 1998. (Complete version of [1997b].)

[1998a] D. Beauquier, A. Slissenko.
Polytime model checking for timed probabilistic computation tree logic.
Acta Informatica,
35:645-664, 1998.

[1997c] D. Beauquier, A. Slissenko.
On Semantics of Algorithms with Continuous Time, TR-97-15 (Revised version), Department of Informatics, University Paris 12, October 1997, 25 pages (TR-96-15.ps, TR-96-15.ps.gz.uu).

[1997b] D. Grigoriev, A. Slissenko.
Computing Minimum-Link Path in a Homotopy Class amidst Semi-Algebraic Obstacles in the Plane, Proc. of the 12th Intern. Symp. on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes (AAECC'12), Toulouse, France, June 23-27, 1997. T. Mora and H. Mattson Eds. Lect Notes in Comput. Sci., 1255:114-129, 1997.

[1997a] D. Beauquier, A. Slissenko.
The Railroad Crossing Problem: Towards Semantics of Timed Algorithms and their Model-Checking in High-Level Languages. Proceedings of the 7th Joint Conference on the Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT'97). M. Bidoit and M. Dauchet, Eds. Lecture Notes in Comput. Science, 1214:201-212, 1997.

[1996c] D. Beauquier, A. Slissenko.
The Railroad Crossing Problem: Towards Semantics of Timed Algorithms and their Model-Checking in High-Level Languages, TR-96-10, Department of Informatics, University Paris 12, November 1996, 24 pages. (TR-96-10.ps).

[1996b] D. Beauquier, A. Slissenko.
Polytime Model Checking for Timed Probabilistic Systems. TR-96-08, Department of Informatics, University Paris 12, April 1996, 13 pages (TR-96-08.ps).

[1996a] D. Burago, M. de Rougemont, A. Slissenko.
On the Complexity of Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes.
Theor. Comput. Sci.,
157(1):61-183, 1996.

[1995a] D. Beauquier, D. Burago, A. Slissenko.
On the complexity of Finite Memory Policies for Markov Decision Processes.
Proc. of the 20th Intern. Symp. on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'95). J. Wiedermann and P. Hajek Eds.
Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.,
969:191-200, 1995.

[1993c] J. Heintz, T. Krick, A. Slissenko, P.Solerno.
Une borne inférieure pour la construction de chemins polygonaux dans Rn,
Publications du département de mathématiques de l'Université de Limoges, 94-100, 1993.

[1993b] A. Slissenko.
On fault tolerance of syntax., Theor. Comput. Sci., 119:215-222, 1993.

[1993a] A. Slissenko.
A view on recent years of research in theoretical computer science in the former Soviet Union.
 RAIRO, Technique et science informatique, 12(1):9-28, 1993.

[1992] A. Slissenko.
Diminishing search by the method of context-free decomposition. In: Methods and Tools of Information Technology in Science and Industry, Nauka Publ. House, St.Petersburg, pages 7-20, 1992 (In Russian).

[1991b] J. Heintz, T. Krick, A. Slissenko, P.Solerno.
Finding shortest paths around semi-algebraic obstacles in the plane, J. of Math. Sci., 70(4):1944-1949, 1994. Russian original: Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI, 192:164-174, 1991.

[1991a] A. Slissenko.
On measures of information quality of knowledge processing systems.
Information Sciences: An International Journal,
57--58:389-402, 1991.

[1990b] Yu. Matiyasevich, G. E. Mints, V. P. Orevkov, A. O. Slissenko.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shanin (on his seventieth birthday). Russian Math. Surveys, 45(1):239-240, 1990. Russian original: Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, 45(1):205-206, 1990.

[1990a] A. Slissenko.
Technological environment for expert systems development. In: J.L.Alty, L.I.Mikulich, Eds., Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Proc. IFIP TC5/WG5.3 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in CIM, Leningrad, USSR, 16-18 April, 1990. North-Holland, pages 172-175, 1991.

[1989e] A. N. Lebedev and V. I. Gorodetsky, A. Slissenko.
Man-machine interface as a tool of increasing the productivity of design and aplication of computer systems of knowledge processingIn: "Special Purpose Expert Systems", series "Fundamental and Perspective Research in the Interests of Defense", USSR Ministry of Defense, Moscow, 1989, (In Russian).

[1989d] A. N. Lebedev and V. I. Gorodetsky, A. Slissenko.
Problems of complexity and design of special purpose expert systems. In: "Special Purpose Expert Systems", series "Fundamental and Perspective Research in the Interests of Defense", USSR Ministry of Defense, Moscow, 1989, (In Russian).

[1989c] A. N. Lebedev and V. I. Gorodetsky, A. Slissenko.
Expert systems in modeling. In: "Special Purpose Expert Systems", series "Fundamental and Perspective Research in the Interests of Defense", USSR Ministry of Defense, Moscow, 1989, (In Russian).

[1989b] A. Slissenko.
Towards the problem of analysis of logical and algorithmical structure of the systems of knowledge representation and processing.  In: Theoretical Aspects and Tools of Applied Intellectual Systems, Series "Questions of Cybernetics", Scientific Council for Cybernetics of the Acad. Sci. of the USSR, Moscow, 1989 (In Russian).

[1989a] A. Slissenko.
Theory of algorithms.  Manual for students, 1989, 64 pages (In Russian).

[1985b] A. Slissenko.
The structure of the data bases: logical aspect. Manual for students, Leningrad, 1985, 30 pages (In Russian).

[1985a] S. S. Lavrov, A. O. Slissenko, G. S. Tseitin.
Curriculum for Informatics and System Programming. Proposal. Microprocessor Devices and Systems, 4:20-28, 1985 (In Russian).

[1984b] G. V. Davydov, Yu. V. Matiyasevich, G. E. Mints, V. P. Orevkov, N. A. Shanin, A. O. Slissenko.
Sergei Yuryevich Maslov. Obituary. Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, 39 (2):239–240, 1984. (In Russian.).

[1984a] A. Slissenko.
Linguistic considerations in devising effective algorithms Proc. Intern. Congress of Mathematicians, August 16-24, 1983, Waszawa. ICM, Warszawa, pages 347-357, 1984. (Invited Talk.)

[1983] G. V. Orlovsky, A. O. Slissenko.
Artificial Intelligence: an industrial point of view. In: Computers in Design and Manifacturing, Mashinostroyeniye Publ. House, Leningrad, 1983 (In Russian).

[1982] A. Slissenko.
Context-free grammars as a tool for describing polynomial-time subclasses of hard problems. Inform. Process. Lett., 14(2):52-56, 1982.

[1981c] A. Slissenko
Complexity problems of theory of computation. Russian Mathematical Surveys, 36(6):23-125, 1981. Russian original: Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, 36(6):21-103, 1981.

[1981b] G. M. Adel'son-Vel'ski, A. O. Slisenko. 
What can we do with problems of exhaustive search? Proc. Intern. Symp. on Algorithms in Modern Mathematics and Computer Science, Urgench, September 16--22, 1979. A. Ershov and D. Knuth Eds. Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., 122:315-342, 1981.

[1981a] A. Slisenko.
Detection of periodicities and string-matching in real time. J. of Soviet Mathmatics, 22(3):1316-1386, 1983. Russian original: Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI, 105:62-173, 1981.

[1980b] S. Yu. Maslov, Yu. V. Matiyasevich, G. E. Mints, V. P. Orevkov, A. O. Slissenko.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shanin (on his sixtieth anniversary). Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, 35(2):241-245, 1980 (In Russian).

[1980a] A. Slissenko.
Finding in real time of all the periodicities in a word. Soviet Mathematical Doklady, 21(2):392-295, 1980. Russian original: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 251(1):48-51, 1980.

[1979a] A. Slissenko.
Computational complexity of string and graph identification. Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., 74:182-190, 1979. (Invited Talk at MFCS'79.)

[1979b] A. Slissenko. Complexity problems of theory of computation (preliminary publication), Scientific Council on Integrated Problem of "Cybernetics", Moscow, 1979 (In Russian).

[1978c] A. Slissenko.
Models of computations based on address organization of storage. Proc. Soviet Symp. on AI and Automation of Research in Mathematics, Kiev, 1978, pages 94-96. Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev, 1978 (In Russian).

[1978b] A. Slissenko.
String-matching in real-time: some properties of the data structure. Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., 64:493-496, 1978.

[1978a] A. Slisenko.
Finite approach to the problem of optimizing theorem-proving algorithms. J. of Soviet Mathematics, 10(4):597-603, 1978. Russian original: Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI, 49:123-130, 1975.

[1977] A. Slisenko.
A simplified proof of real-time recognizability of palindromes on Turing Machines.  J. of Soviet Mathmatics, 15(1):68-77, 1981. Russian original: Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI, 68:123-139, 1977.

[1973] A. Slisenko. 
Recognizing a symmetry predicate by multihead Turing machines with input Proc. Steklov Inst. of Mathematics, AMS, 129:25-208, 1976. Russian original: Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 129:30-202, 1973.

[1971] A. Slssenko.
A property of enumerable sets containing 'complexly deducible' formulas. J. of Soviet Mathematics, 1 (1):126-131, 1973. Russian original: Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI, 20:200-207, 1971.

[1971] A. Slisenko.
A property of enumerable sets containing 'complexly deducible' formulas. J. of Soviet Mathematics, 1(1):126-131, 1973. Russian original: Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI, 20:200-207, 1971.

[1970] A. Slisenko.
Some questions of approximation of maximal continuity regulators. In Russian: Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 113:73-78, 1970. English translation in : Proc. Steklov Inst. of Mathematics, 113, 1970.

[1969] N. A. Shanin, G. V. Davydov, S. Yu. Maslov, G. E. Mints, V. P. Orevkov, A. O. Slisenko.
A computer algorithm for the determination of deducibility on the basis of the inverse method. In: 'The Automation of Reasoning II. Classical Papers on Computational Logic 1967-1970'. Springer Verlag, 1983. Russian original: Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI, 16:8-19, 1969.

[1967c] A. Slisenko.
On maximal continuity regulators of constructive functions. 'Seminars in Mathematics, V.A.Steklov Mathematical Institute, Leningrad', Plenum Press, 4:82-84, 1969. Russian original: Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI, 4:201-208, 1967.

[1967b] A. Slisenko.
The construction of maximal continuity regulators for constructive functions. Proc. Steklov Inst. of Mathematics, AMS, 93:269-317, 1967. Russian original: Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 93:208-249, 1967.

[1967a] A. Slisenko.
Arithmetical operations on certain sets of duplexe. Proc. Steklov Inst. of Mathematics, AMS, 93:241-267, 1967. Russian original: Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 93:187-207, 1967.

[1966] A. Slisenko.
Some algorithmic problems related to computational mathematics. Intern. Congres of Mathematicians, Moscow, 1966. Section 1, "Mathematical Logic and Foundations of Mathematics. Abstracts", pages 24-25. ICM, Moscow, 1966.

[1965] N. A. Shanin, G. V. Davydov, S. Yu. Maslov, G. E. Mints, V. P. Orevkov, A. O. Slisenko.
An algorithm for machine search of a natural logical deduction in a propositional calculus. In: 'The Automation of Reasoning I. Classical Papers on Computational Logic 1957-1966'. Springer Verlag, 1983. In Russian: Nauka Publishing House, Leningrad, 1965, 39 pages.

[1964c] A. Slisenko.
On constructive non-separable spaces. In Russian: Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 72:533-536, 1964. In English: Proc. Steklov Inst. of Mathematics, 72, 1964.

[1964b] A. Slisenko.
An example of non-discontinuos but not continuos constructive operator in a metric space. In Russian: Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 72:524-532, 1964. In English: Proc. Steklov Inst. of Mathematics, 72, 1964.

[1964a] A. Slisenko.
On some algorithmic problems, concerning arithmetical operations on duplexes. In Russian: Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 72:488-523, 1964. In English: Proc. Steklov Inst. of Mathematics, 72, 1964.

[1963] A. Slisenko.
On some properties of arithmetic operations over duplexies. In Russian: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 152(2):292-295, 1963. In English: Soviet Mathematical Doklady, 152(2), 1963.

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