JAF 37

Trente-septièmes Journées sur les Arithmétiques Faibles
Weak Arithmetics Days 2018

May 28-30, 2018
Villa Finaly
Florence - Italy

Call for participation

Download the call for participation


Download the following form: form
Fill it up!
and send it to: cegielski at u-pec.fr from now (to benefit of supporting, see registration form)


Villa Finaly has 25 bedrooms (70/100 euros for ordinary bedrooms, 90/135 euros for historical bedrooms)
Booking of these bedrooms is in the order of reservation (Please book from now with the registration form)

Of course you may to choose an hotel in Florence

How to come to Villa Finaly
50139 Firenze. Via Bolognese, 134 R

Florence has an international airport (at 7 km)
Villa Finaly is located at 3 km from the Duomo.

Language and facilities

Official language of JAF is english.
Conference room is equipped with one videoprojector, a whiteboard and a paperboard

Conference Programme

See programme

Poster of the Conference




Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Sénart-Fontainebleau (IUT)
Laboratoire d'Algorithmique, Complexité et Logique, Université Paris XII (LACL-Paris12)

Do you have a question? cegielski-at-u-pec.fr