Homepage of Catalin Dima

About me:
I hold a Professorship position at the Université Paris-Est Créteil. I am member of the Laboratoire d'Algorithmique,
et Logique (LACL), "Responsable d'équipe" for the team Spécification et
Vérification de Systèmes.
I've done my PhD at Verimag,
Grenoble, where I worked in
the Timed and Hybrid
Systems team,
with Eugene Asarin
and Oded Maler.
Before that,
I was with the BIP
team (currently POP ART) of INRIA
Rhone Alpes, being involved in the Tolère research project
led by Alain
Girault. I have also spent some time at ENSEIRB and LaBRI in Bordeaux.
Even earlier before I was a fellow of UNU/IIST,
working with Xu Qiwen and
Paritosh Pandya.
I have also held a position within the Faculty of Mathematics and
Computer Science of the University of
Research interests:
- Connections between temporal epistemic logics,
monadic second-order logics and multi-player games, model-checking for temporal
epistemic logics.
- Formal aspects of security:
possibilistic and probabilistic models of information flow,
specification and verification of security properties with temporal epistemic logics.
- Real-time formal language theory,
real-time logics, theories behind model checking and verification.
- Fundamentals
of fault tolerance.
- Formal semantics of programming
languages, in particular synchronous and dataflow languages.
DBLP database
Some publications here (rarely updated)
(In French) Enseignement :
You can mail me at : dima at univ-paris12 dot fr